Category: Motivation

May 1, 2019

Fitness has changed a lot over time. What exercises people do, the reps and sets used, and even how people work out. Lately, there has been a huge push in group training. Orange Theory, World Health, Goodlife, and basically every gym with the space and membership numbers offers some form of group training. As a…

February 20, 2019

When people think about fitness and reaching their goals, they go directly to the time spent in the gym. And it’s true, working out definitely burns calories, and resistance training can facilitate both fat loss and muscle growth. But exercising is only half the battle. The other half: diet. Diet plays a key role in…

December 19, 2018

Fitness can be kind of intimidating. There are thousands of different exercises, tons of different pieces of equipment to use, and many different places to perform these exercises with the equipment on hand. Is it crucial to do your workout programs in a gym to get the results you desire?   The short answer is…

November 28, 2018

Everyone has been there – you finally start your fitness journey, see some results, and build motivation to continue with your training. But after a while, you find that your results have slowed or stopped altogether, and your motivation starts to fault. You’ve hit a plateau, and it has caused you to lose interest in…

September 26, 2018

We’ve all been there: getting in some exercise is on all of our lists, but then something else comes up – work, school, kids, laundry, etc – and the workout gets put on the backburner. I’ll do it tomorrow.   There is always going to be other stuff on your agenda that has to get…

September 5, 2018

Working out is hard. You’re going to have to exert yourself, you’re going to sweat, and you’re going to be tired after. But does it have to be “work”?   There are a lot of people who don’t enjoy working out. It is something they have to do, not something they want to do. And…

August 23, 2017

Taking the first step towards creating a healthy lifestyle is always the hardest. It takes a lot of determination and motivation to want to make that change in the first place, and some confidence to actually start on your healthy path. However, it’s always smooth sailing once you’ve made your new health and fitness journey a…

July 27, 2017

To reach your goals, you need to make sure to not only put effort into your workouts, but also into your diet. I’m sure you’ve heard people say that your progress is 30% due to exercise and 70% due to diet, and it’s true! What you put in your body can affect every other part…