We’ve all been there: getting in some exercise is on all of our lists, but then something else comes up – work, school, kids, laundry, etc – and the workout gets put on the backburner. I’ll do it tomorrow.
There is always going to be other stuff on your agenda that has to get done… so when do you find the time to work out that fits into your busy schedule?
One word: prioritization! You need to sit down and think about your list, and what is of the utmost importance to you. Where does your workout fit into that list? Are your fitness and health goals important to you, or are they set behind other aspects of your life? If it is important to you, why does it always get put on the backburner? If it isn’t important to you, why do you fret and feel bad when you don’t get it in?
For most people, it helps to have a location to exercise that is not your home. I know that for myself, I always plan on getting a little workout in at home, but there is literally an endless list of excuses for me to push that workout back (everything from mowing the lawn to washing the dishes to playing a video game). However, if I actually go to the gym, then I might as well work out because that’s all there is to do there. It doesn’t have to be a gym either – find a park that you can set up a little space to do a quick workout in; meet up with a friend so that you can both be each other’s push to work out; put your runners on and just start moving.
![Outdoor Fitness Activity Edmonton](https://suggyfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/tying-up-running-shoe-social-resize-e1534357656856.jpg)
Once you’ve found a location that you can exercise at, schedule a time to go there, and stick to it! Whether you set out 15 min, 30 min, or an hour, set a distinct time of day for you to get a workout in, and then actually do it! You’ve put it into your schedule, it has its own time slot allotted where it is the only task to get done in that time slot, so go get it done!
Don’t treat exercising as a hindrance on your life; if it is something that you feel you have to do but it’s just pushing everything else on your list back, then of course you’re not going to get it done. Make sure it is just as important as the other things on your list. Or be real with yourself – is your laundry really that important? Is it absolutely crucial that you get that load in right this second, or can you spare half an hour to get your workout in?
I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes that always helps me put things in perspective:
“If it is important to you, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.”
– Ryan Blair